Only the standard Imperial Helmet may be crafted at a forge, the Officer and Closed helmets cannot. Pieces can be upgraded with a steel ingot at a workbench and also benefit from the Steel Smithing perk, which doubles the improvement. Pieces can be forged at a blacksmith's forge with the following components: Imperial Armor requires a Smithing level of 20 and the Steel Smithing perk to create. A set can be found in the New Gnisis Cornerclub.

Closed Helmet Variant can be found in Kilkreath Ruins, near the body of a desecrated Imperial Soldier, another can be found at a Shrine to Talos near Froki's Shack, as well as in the East Empire Company Warehouse near Solitude.Fort Frostmoth DR – Several pieces are on the ash covered shelves.Haafingar Guards wear Imperial bracers and boots.During the quests " Liberation of Skyrim" and " Reunification of Skyrim," pieces can be looted from Imperial soldiers that have fallen in battle at the many forts across Skyrim.A set may be obtained from Beirand if asked for heavy armor after joining the Imperial Legion.His helmet, an Imperial officer helmet, is found inside Sulla Trebatuis' pack, in the torture chamber where Valie is found. Alftand – Sulla Trebatius wears a set, minus the helmet, which can be obtained after he is killed.Dawnstar – Horik Halfhand, who serves as housecarl to Brina Merilis, wears a set, minus the helmet.Helgen Keep – the female Imperial captain wears a full set with the officer helmet, and can be obtained if Ralof is followed during " Unbound.".The leader of these bandits will be wearing a set minus the helmet. There is a group of bandits that appears randomly in the world posing as Imperial Soldiers.

Pieces of Imperial armor typically cannot be found as random loot, however, during " Unbound," there are several Imperial soldiers in Helgen Keep who wear the armor, minus the helmet.