Then there's the fast-paced Trail Blazing checkpoint races, where you don a flaming suit and cruise around town blowing things up and setting everything in your path on fire. You can also play bodyguard to local celebrities, tossing them into interactive objects like bouncers and fountains. Other activities are possibly even more bizarre, like the Septic Avenger line of challenges, where you have to cover city property with "sewage" in order to lower property values. There's even a game within the game called Zombie Uprising, where you have to defeat wave after wave of zombies, including giant zombies, flaming zombies, and exploding zombies. If you're more of a pervert, you can go streaking, or you can don a trench coat and go out flashing people. There's video poker and blackjack, if that's your thing.

You can mug people, take hostages in their vehicles until they pay their ransom, or hold up your neighborhood liquor store.

It's really quite impressive how much game has been packed into Saints Row 2.